"Sixth and Congress" is a historical novel set in post-Civil War Texas. The characters run from two U.S. Presidents, Lincoln and Grant, a bunch of cowboys, spies, lawmen, the frontier judicial system, pioneer families, horse thieves and a cook named "Dish pan" and more.
The book is a lot like a western serial popular in days past in the Saturday morning picture show venue where each episode stands alone with questions still unanswered until a future installment reveals the answer or does not. All of the stories have a common thread of real people in real times in Texas. In the end it all comes together with resolution but gives the reader the thought that there are more stories to come.
Author Don Rankin is new to this media but shows moments of depth and a vast knowledge of the places and the times. The name of the main character, John P. Rankin, is a clue that there is an element of truth in stories and gives authenticity to all that is written.
Horses, cows, sweat, leather and the smell of gun powder, "Sixth and Congress" has it all.
Texas Bob