I'm an advocate of everyone writing as much of their own personal history as practical. It is an ideal way to transfer family stories, history and family values to the next generation. Occasionally some of us who seek it may even find a family writing from several generations past. These are real treasures.
When award winning author of great children's books, David Davis, set out to write his first adult nonfiction he chose to write about his grandfather, Raymond Lacy, who he described as "the best man I ever knew." In writing this very personal account of growing up under the influence of "the best man he ever knew", David has created a treasure not only for his family and his descendants but also for us, the reader.
All boys find a man to emulate a father, an older brother or a "Grandpaw". In David Davis's book, "Travels with Grandpaw" he tells the story of the relationship between him and his grandpaw. From the outside it would be easy to say grandpaw was a working man who loved to fish, but we all know that men are more than the sum of their visible parts. David Davis tells the rest of the story, from his heart.
Texas Bob