I started TexasBob.com in August of 1999. The Internet was young, and I needed some Texas based content. One thing you could find on TexasBob.com back then were recipes. Recipes from our mothers and grandmothers. Over time the content grew with content about from my travels around Texas to Texas football stadiums. The original recipes are still on my page.
I have not added any new recipes for a long time but going through some old photographs I found these two recipes that I thought would fit well. I have never tried them. If you have tried any jelly like this let me know how it turned out.
Pick only dark, purple pears (no red ones). Singe sticker; over gas flame using long meat fork or tongs. Rinse well. Quarter pears, cover with water and simmer, cooking down now and then until juice can be strained through a cloth. Discard seeds and hulls.
Put 4 cups juice with 1% pkgs. of pectin and 1 ½ cup lemon juice in a large pan and bring to a boil.
Add 6 cups sugar all at once and return to boil for three minutes. Pour into jars and cover or seal.
Prepare ½ lb. mesquite beans by breaking them into fourths. Use beans that have reached the amber-rose purplish stage before they become brittle. Cover with 3 pts. water and simmer 30 or 40 minutes.
Strain through two thicknesses of cheesecloth. When all is drained, mash beans with potato masher.
Add water if less than three cups. Add ½ cup lemon juice and 1 pkg. pectin and bring to a boil.
Add 3 cups sugar or two cups of sugar and 2 Tbsp. liquid saccharin. Boil two minutes, add coloring if desired.
Pour into sterilized glasses seal with paraffin. Yield: 6 to 8 small glasses.