This activity is simple for all ages. (WARNING: Step 3 needs
adult supervision.) If you are a child, ask and adult for help. If you are working with children you May want to do step 3 before you
involve the children in the activity)
Blue and white acrylic paint.
Pipe cleaners (preferably green).
Scissors. Ice pick (USE WITH ADULT HELP).
Silk greenery (for leaves).
Paper plate (for paint pallet).
Sponge (for painting the plastic beverage holders).
Plastic beverage holders from colas or juice.
1. Sponge paint the plastic.
Dip the sponge in the paint and dab the paint on the plastic ring.
Paint some sets blue and some sets white.
Bluebonnets are blue on the bottom and white on the top.
Cut each set in half and trim until they look like this picture.
It takes at least 3 sets of 3 rings to make a nice full bluebonnet.
Cut each set in half and trim until they look like this picture.
It takes at least 3 sets of 3 rings to make a nice full bluebonnet.
2. Attach the green leaves to the pipe cleaner.
3. WITH THE HELP OF AN ADULT: Use an ice pick to punch holes in the plastic;
4. Run the pipe cleaner through the holes punched in plastic.
5. Keep adding strips of plastic until you have added at least 3 strips.
(String the blue strips first, then top it off by strings a set of white.)
Finished Bluebonnet (Now you are ready to put the bluebonnet in a vase.)