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Texas Blue Bonnets

Made from recycling plastic beverage holders

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This activity is simple for all ages. (WARNING: Step 3 needs adult supervision.) If you are a child, ask and adult for help. If you are working with children you May want to do step 3 before you involve the children in the activity)
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  • Blue and white acrylic paint.
  • Pipe cleaners (preferably green).
  • Scissors. Ice pick (USE WITH ADULT HELP).
  • Silk greenery (for leaves).
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  • Paper plate (for paint pallet).
  • Sponge (for painting the plastic beverage holders).
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  • Plastic beverage holders from colas or juice.
  • 1. Sponge paint the plastic.
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  • Dip the sponge in the paint and dab the paint on the plastic ring.
  • Paint some sets blue and some sets white.
  • Bluebonnets are blue on the bottom and white on the top.
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  • Cut each set in half and trim until they look like this picture.
  • It takes at least 3 sets of 3 rings to make a nice full bluebonnet.
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  • Cut each set in half and trim until they look like this picture.
  • It takes at least 3 sets of 3 rings to make a nice full bluebonnet.
  • 2. Attach the green leaves to the pipe cleaner.
  • 3. WITH THE HELP OF AN ADULT: Use an ice pick to punch holes in the plastic;
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  • 4. Run the pipe cleaner through the holes punched in plastic.
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  • 5. Keep adding strips of plastic until you have added at least 3 strips.
    (String the blue strips first, then top it off by strings a set of white.)
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  • Finished Bluebonnet
    (Now you are ready to put the bluebonnet in a vase.)
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