The "San Angelo Stadium" was selected for the 2022 Texas Stadium Hall of Fame for these reasons. It has been at the pinnacle of West Texas football stadiums for 66 years. The citizens of San Angelo had to work together to make this happen and the community continues to support San Angelo students by maintaining and improving this facility continually. As it was originally built, it had a capacity of 12,000 fans, a cinder track and a nice grass playing surface. Today San Angelo Stadium has a capacity of 17,550 fans, an all-weather track, an artificial playing surface, a video scoreboard and updated lighting.
Then there is the intangible atmosphere of the game, that is priceless.
How it all began ...
In December of 1946 the "Members of the San Angelo High School athletic council heard a report which indicated the season's grid profits were about $4,400 and talked briefly of the possibility of a bowl game here Jan. 1,"
They also discussed, "the possibility of entering into some agreement with college officials here regarding the construction of a municipal stadium at the
new college site in west San Angelo."
(Source: San Angelo Standard Times 5 Dec 1946).
World War II was still in their rear view mirror when the community began to have a conversation about a new stadium. Some wanted to fix up the old stadium, that was in bad need of repair and often needed to have some work done for the safety of the fans before a game. Other said, "We never sellout the stadium we have, why do we need a larger one?"
"The first concrete move toward erection of a stadium or sunken bowl developed out of a San Angelo High School Athletic Council meeting here Wednesday."
(Source: San Angelo Standard Times 22 Jan 1948).
Where do we put it? and how big is it going to be?
"The San Angelo College property has a caliche pit which Is considered an ideal location for a sunken bowl or stadium. College Authorities already have expressed desire to talk over a joint stadium and an agreement with M D Bryant who plans an apartment project adjacent to the college will assist in digging the pit out to the proper depth".
Previous discussions Included Installation of a first rate track around the football field something which officials have admitted is a definite shortcoming
in local athletic facilities The council did not make definite commitments about what size it thought the new stadium should be, but recent college announcements
Indicated plans for up to 14000 (capacity).
(Source: San Angelo Standard Times 22 Jan 1948).
How are we going to pay for it?
"STADIUM DEFEATED The third Issue for building an athletic stadium was defeated by 126 votes 1386 for 1512 against As expected voting was light with about 3000 voters." Source: San Angelo Standard Times 11 Apr 1954).
School Board of Trustees, find another way.
"The San Angelo School Board last night declared it would build a new football stadium if, (1) half the money is collected by public subscription and if
the school district receives an old claim of $233,289 from the federal government"
(Source: San Angelo Standard Times 8 Oct 1954).
The Stadium Dedication -10 Sep 1956
Mr. Frank Pool, president of the Board of Trustees, and speaking for the board, said,
"In the dedication of the San Angelo Stadium to the youth of San Angelo, we hope for utilization of these splendid facilities throughout the years, to present
outdoor entertainment and educational activities which reach the entire citizenship from the oldest to the youngest."
Source: San Angelo Standard Times 10 Sep 1956).
I believe that the "hope" mentioned by, Mr. Frank Pool in his dedication comments are being met and exceeded ever day since the opening of this facility.
The First Game at San Angelo Stadium
New York Museum of Modern Art (20 Sep 1964)
"A picture of the stadium under construction back in 1956 drawings and a description are on display in the recently opened Garden Galleries of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City grouped with dams and other earthwork projects picked as outstanding examples of 20th Century "