"Amazingly I found some film of this game that had been convertered to a VHS tape which I converted to a digital format and have shared it here." TexasBob
Here are the two plays that made the difference: Odessa had move in front 14-7, in the third, and Townsend, in his effort to keep the kickoff away from Rote, spun a short kick some 20 yards off to a right angle. The ball bounced crazily and Odessa's alert Bobby Moorman pounced on it on Jefferson's 42. Odessa's opportunist went from there to the winning touchdown after an exchange of punts Jeff into a deep hole.
This a short video of the Odessa High Band marching at the 1946 championship game.; At one point you will notice the band on a circle formation with a couple doing the "Jitter Bug" in the center.